Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Limitedness of Liabilities and Jurisdictions of Laws Applicable to Government and Governance.

The boundaries of the country called Malawi, has had jurisdictions of several lawful governments: Nyasaland, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Malawi. I thought I should recognize the limitedness of laws according to the jurisdiction and time of their applicability over the region whose boundaries form the Nation of Malawi.

The current jurisdictional Constitution of the Laws of Malawi is of 1994 according to the wikipedia article on Malawi(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malawi).

This means, the Constitutional of the Laws of Malawi, has not had any amendment since 1994 though it is possible that several Acts of Parliament have been Amended in the orderly way from 1994 to the present day. Recognising that this is probably the first amendment of the Constitution of Malawi since the day of Independence(6th July 1964), there might be two jurisdictional constitutions between 6th July 1964 and the present day(22nd August 2017). The first Constitution of the Laws of Malawi, has been applicable between the 6th July 1964 and 18th May 1994, and the second constitution has been applicable from 18th May 1994 - 22nd August 2017.

Before the establishment of the Country of Malawi in 1964, there has been a British Protectorate Of Central Africa established in May 1893 to 1st August 1907 when the Nyasaland protectorate was established separating it from the region covered by the British Protectorate which are in Accordance to the exploratory expeditions of Dr. David Livingstone.

It may be questioned why the boundaries of these regions are different but I think the difference emanates from the type of influence and the time of active influence over the regions due to the presence of Europeans during their journeys of exploration. I am sure has ended up evolving the culture of the regions in quite a different way to necessitate the establishment of the boundaries.

I may have to list down the Governments looking over the issues of the region covering Malawi as follows:
From observation, the governance of the British Central Africa Protectorate and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland is applicable to the wider international region of the land which includes Malawi and long with present day Zambia and Zimbabwe, while the governance of Nyasaland Protectorate and Malawi is acting at national region of Malawi and seperate from the Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The Laws of The British Protectorate are partially applicable to assets established within (1893 to 1907) by its government. The Laws of the Nyasaland Protectorate may be partially applicable to assets established within 1907 to 1964 by its government, the Laws of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland may be partially applicable to assets established within 1953 to 1963 by its governance, the Laws of Malawi which are active from 1964 to date, may be completely applicable applicable to assets established after 1964 and perhaps partially applicable to the assets established before 1964 by previous governments.

Issues of Nyasaland seem to transition over the national level but issues of the British Central African protectorate and Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland  seem to transition over the international region whose present day jurisdiction falls under SADC.The International jurisdictions seem to apply through diplomatic jurisdictions and international laws principles.

I should think such recognition of limitedness of jurisdiction of laws applicable to government and governance should reduce conflicts developing due to different expectations from the international community over the regions the governing entities have been active and their time of activity and the national community bound by the laws of the presently active government and governance of the Land of Malawi.

Monday, October 06, 2014

The Month of October

In 2008, I was preparing for a trip to go to an academic conference in Mozambique. I have commented about this in a previous post.

In 2009, I finished my Master of Science Thesis on a day like today: The 6th of October 2009.

In 2012, there was a launch of the Bible week by Malawi Bible Society.

To my discomfort, there were a lot of gun shots yesterday, the 5th of October, 2014.

The 4th of October was, there was supposed to be the coronation of M’Mbelwa.

I am very sure the trip to Mozambique turned me an enemy to the Malawian Authorities.

Mozambique and Malawi seem to have suffered sour relations due the wars and possible attempts of revolt which have always seemed to start from across the Mozambican Border.

The Month of September is already a major difficulty due to the war on terror, the month of October started to be difficult in 2008.

What follows? I don’t know.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Being on The Internet

The internet has been to most people a communication platform. To keep in touch with friends and other activities that distance and cost does not allow them access to.

When you have a friend who has been ling in a life of danger. You almost always want to know how  they are every few seconds of the day. I have about 200 friends on Facebook, and 200 friends on Google. These are mostly people who have been around my life as I have been growing up. They always want to see how I am when the day is today on every given day.

For I do face challenges that I should normally face.

There have been several times I have tried to be offline for a while but I find myself getting back online every now and then. To say something to someone. For the local location I am in does not have much friends for me.

Every single thing of pleasure to me is easily taken away unreasonably it is like someone is determined to see me unhappy.

There was once, I managed to see how my friends possibly react when I get offline. It was a disaster on my heart until someone passed to me a message that the person I was concerned with is ok.

When I am absent from the internet, it is possible that I am block, or busy with something else, or possibly have an internet outage. But I tell you, the absence makes some send money to me so that I should not be block. if I am busy with something else, it only give peace to other people if they know I am busy with something that makes me happy.

I wanted to get on Facebook. Someone seems to have been keeping me away from the internet because I should be weaned off the concerns of the world. But at the time, I have been sensing that someone is worried about my absence.

I thought perhaps, I should see if I can find something alternate. I typed jes.us and found a King James Bible Version on the website.

I was happy. Just looking at the preface makes you want to know more about King James himself and you read and read and read….

Can I ever keep off the internet?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Abstention from the SAMSA Conference of 2008

When you sponsor someone on a trip to some event; when the trip happens, you do know that the sponsorship has been consumed. Suppose you do realize that the person has not managed to go on that trip. Do you grudge the absence?

In 2008, I was sponsored to go to Conference in Maputo organized by SAMSA. Due to some logistical reasons, I failed to attend the conference but my presentation was done by my classmate in my absence.

Assessing the difficulty of attending, the Conference in Maputo, Mozambique that year, I resolved to attend another organized in Lilongwe by OSISA which attracted people of similar interest so that if I completely fail to attend the Maputo Conference, I would still have interacted with some who may have had interest in my work to attend the Maputo Conference.

The Social-Political relations of Malawi and Mozambique attracts greater scrutiny and suspicion which to me proved of greater difficult being descendent from a political family.

I am sure my absence should not be grudged for such a long time. If I did not meet the sponsors expectations in that they may have wanted access to my work, my email address was made available on the abstract recorded for presentations in the proceedings of the Maputo SAMSA Conference at Maputo, Mozambique. I may still have a copy of the presentation and also perhaps, my thesis supervisor may have kept some copies.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Proposition Season

Feeling like I was feeling, I was feeling like I was 7 years ago. No mistake, they were perhaps recalled memories and feelings. But evident, I do have a need: My other half is still missing.

It is said, Zingachuluke Njuchi; Yokuluma ndi Imodzi.

There was a day, a day which had a lot of bees at my home buzzing around that I got stung by a bee. Only one bee stung me on that day. All of them buzzed around and went their way.

Yesterday or the other day, I was passing by some location with bees buzzing around none of them stung me.

It is perhaps true the statement is true, Zingachuluke Njuchi; Yokuluma ndi Imodzi.

How do you get to know which one? Yesterday, I found out which one.